Alex The Axe Adams vs Jessie Cut-Throat Colter - Redemption Match
8 years agoAlex The Axe Adams vs Jessie Cut-Throat Colter - Redemption Match
8 years ago
Sponsored by Naked Kombat
Naked Kombat
Jessie Colter
Alex AdamsThe AxeHt: 5'10 WT: 185lbs Season W/L record ( 0-1)Jessie ColterCut-ThroatHt: 6'2 WT: 195lbsSeason W/L record (0-1) These two fighters sorely know what it feels like to lose here on Naked Kombat, but after losing their first matches, Alex The Axe Adams and Jessie Cut-Throat Colter are back, and neither one of these studs are going down without a fight. Cut-Throat pounces on The Axe, spreading the muscled hunk in a full nelson. Alex answers right back, sitting on Cut-Throat's face while shoving a finger up his ass. Their cocks are raging hard throughout the third round, holding nothing back as they battle for sexual glory. Watch as these two fight for redemption and fuck with a brutal vengeance.
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